REN-ISAC's InfoSec Kickstart offers three tiers of affordable, high-value engagements designed to assist smaller colleges and universities. InfoSec Kickstart will give you the guidance necessary to launch or relaunch an information security management program, improve an existing information security management program, or simply create a more secure computing environment.
Information Security Kickstart Engagements
Find the Kickstart that meets your needs
We know that the IT staff at smaller institutions wear a lot of hats and share in information security responsibilities. Our InfoSec Kickstart seeks to address these unique challenges through a quick, affordable, and actionable engagement. We offer three Kickstart options to fits your needs and your budget.
Tier 1 | Tier 2 | Tier 3 |
Service Options
Information Security Kickstart Workshop - Encourages collaboration across teams by leading IT and other infosec team members in facilitated discussion and shared training experiences.
Information Security Assessment and Final Report - Assesses the unique elements of your IT environment and infosec program, resulting in a final assessment report that highlights the top three to five focus areas for improving your security posture in the coming year.
Tabletop Exercise - A tabletop exercise designed to examine the resilience of your institution in response to a significant information security incident.